Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Aisle 50- Get 10 Zone Bars For $9

Get the newest Aisle 50 deal for all of you Shop N Save and Lowe's shoppers. Sign in or Sign Up to get 10 Zone Perfect bars for just $9.

How does Aisle50 work?

  • 1. Select Aisle50 deal

    Click the Buy button. Prepare yourself for the high known as dealius maxiumus.
  • 2. Checkout at Aisle50

    Enter your grocery store loyalty card number and we’ll quickly ensure that it’s valid. Then enter your credit card information and you’re done. The Aisle50 product will be loaded to your loyalty card.
  • 3. Go to the Store

    Grab the product you’ve purchased on Aisle50 and toss it in your cart, carry it in your arms or, if you have children, make them lug it.
  • 4. Swipe your loyalty card at checkout

    Swipe your loyalty card at checkout and the item will be fully discounted. In other words, you will pay $0.00 at the store (plus a tiny bit of sales tax) because you’ve already paid for the item at Aisle50.
  • 5. Go Home. Tell everyone.

    Hold on... let’s switch that up. Instead of going home first, please take a moment in the parking lot of the grocery store (with your car in park!) and call every single person you know. Regale them with your Aisle50 fairy tale of triumph and bargain domination. Call your in-laws. Call your enemies. Call the people who still use fax machines--for even they can be helped. Text people, email them, Tweet them. Stand on the roof of your car, look your fellow shoppers in the eyes and yell at the top of your lungs: “I am the deal master!!!”

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