Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back To School.

Well, is everyone ready for back to school? We just had our last long camping trip this past weekend to give the kids their last hoorah before school and before I go back to work. Yes I said it I am going back to work, but I will still be here. I will only be working part time and I beg you to please be patient with me while I try to juggle the crazy schedule for the next couple of weeks. But tonight my main concern, like many of you parents out there, is the first day of school. My youngest is starting kindergarten tomorrow and I am very concerned for him. I just don't think he knows what to expect. I just hope that he finds his way back home. So I am here to tell you that my heart goes out to all of you because I know what your feeling. Maybe we can help each other through. Drop me a comment and let me know how you plan on coping.

Good Luck!!

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