Thursday, January 8, 2015

Host a TurboTax You Party

TurboTax You Party

Are you the person your friends and family turn to when they have questions about money or finances? Things like: How do I set up a savings account? How can I save when I have bills to pay? Am I needlessly throwing money away by not doing my own taxes?
How many of your friends with simple tax situations pay a stranger hundreds of dollars to do their taxes for them? What if it were possible for them to do their taxes on their own for a fraction of the price?
The TurboTax You Party is an easy way to help your friends and family save money by empowering them with the skills, support and software to take control of their taxes and finances while celebrating everything that has happened in their lives over the past year. Whether they had a baby, got married, donated to charity, started a business or made a move, let’s raise a tax-themed cocktail in honor of 2014. You all rocked this year. Now let’s rock your taxes. Happy You Year!
This event is only open to residents of the US.
If you’re selected and confirmed as a host, your exclusive Party Pack will contain:
  • Free TurboTax online software offer for the host
  • 50% off TurboTax online software through April 15 for guests
  • Party supplies and more!

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